I N S T I T U T E   O F   F L U I D   D Y N A M I C S   &   T U R B U L E N C E

Application Process

Any undergraduate student who wishes to gain research experience is encouraged to join IFDT. Undergraduate research can be conducted as part of a specific research program such as:
  • The Provost's Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PURS)
  • The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)

In addition, students can also undertake a Senior Honors Thesis. Note that students who are not members of the Honors College are also eligible to do a thesis.
Interested students should directly contact Professor Hussain.
Graduate students who are interested in joining IFDT should first be admitted to any one of the following graduate programs:
  • UH Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program (UHME)
  • UH Physics Graduate Program (UHPHYS)

Applicants to either of these graduate programs who are interested in joining IFDT and conducting research under Professor Hussain's supervision must indicate so on their graduate admission application. In addition to the application material required by the graduate program, the applicant must also provide one of the following items: Any such review or proposal should be sent to ifdt@uh.edu.